
93.48% of parents recommend BIO Girls.

See what parents, caregivers, participants & volunteers have to say about the BIO Girls program. Would you like to submit a testimony? Shoot us a note.

Parents & Caregivers


  • "I learned how to be myself & be confident."

  • "I learned that I am strong and God didn't make mistakes on me."

    Scout, Age 11

  • "My favorite BIO Girls lesson was where we learned to speak up without being rude."

    Peyton, Age 9

  • "I learned it's not what's on the outside that matters, it's what on the inside."

    Blayke, Age 8

  • "BIO Girls taught me how to be kind and what to do when I am mad, sad or nervous."

    Lyla, Age 11


  • "I’m not sure who got more out of this season, the BIO Girls or me as a director! My cup is so full! I can’t say enough amazing things about this program."

  • “This program is rewarding not only for the girls, but for the us as volunteers as well."

  • “It's my 3rd year as the volunteer Site Director and every year I am so grateful BIO Girls is alive and growing here in our local community!!

  • “Best decision I’ve ever made, I’ve been changed forever by the experience of working with BIO Girls."